ac-11® & DNA Care
ac-11® has been shown to help the body’s natural ability to repair its own DNA, effectively promoting cellular health and healthy aging. The active ingredients in ac-11®, known as CAEs (Carboxy Alkyl Esters), are responsible for approximately 90% of ac-11®’s therapeutic benefits. In one of our in vivo studies, ac-11® was shown to enhance DNA repair through the elevation of serum thiol levels. Serum thiols are antioxidative proteins found in the blood that neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive atoms or molecules that can impede DNA repair enzymes and cause DNA damage. Higher levels of serum thiols reflect an enhanced ability to repair DNA. 1
In another study, ac-11® enhanced the immune system by increasing the life cycle of white blood cells. White blood cells are immune system cells that fight infections and disease. Animals treated with ac-11® showed significant elevation of these cells compared with the control group. 2
In an in vitro study, ac-11® inhibited the proliferation of tumor cells by regulating cell apoptosis. Cell apoptosis, or cell death, is a programmed action performed by cells to prevent the growth of damaged cells, such as tumor cells. ac-11® regulates apoptosis by balancing the cell-signaling protein (cytokine) TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor). When expressed normally, TNF-alpha can induce apoptosis and in turn stop the spread of tumor cells. 3 ac-11® also helps to normalize the expression of NF-KB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells) in cells, thereby regulating the cellular response to inflammation. NF-KB is a nuclear transcription factor that influences numerous gene-encoding proteins important in apoptosis, inflammation and cellular growth. A normal expression of NF-KB minimizes the hazards of excessive oxidative stress on DNA. An over-expression of NF-KB triggers increased inflammation by encouraging the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. ac-11® exhibits the capacity to down-regulate the production of NF-KB, promoting healthy immune system responses.
Cellular damage caused by overexposure to high decibel noise results in permanent loss of the outer hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear. Despite permanent loss of such cells, supplementation of ac-11® in animals restored neural function associated with hearing damage by helping to ;
“increase the capacity of spiral ganglion neurons to translocate protective DNA repair enzymes into their nucleus and increase the number of spiral ganglion neurons that express protective DNA repair enzymes.” 4
Telomeres are regions of repetitive DNA sequences or caps at the ends of chromosomes. They are instrumental in protecting chromosomes from external damage as well as preventing fusion during and after mitosis. In an uncontrolled pilot human study with 11 patients over a two-year period, each subject's telomeres, measured using DNA strands of nucleated cells, increased after the administration of ac-11®. Maintaining telomere integrity augments the DNA repair process by protecting against possible chromosomal fusion and damage during mitosis. 5
In living human cell explants, ac-11® increased collagen III, a form of collagen associated with soft, supple, youthful-looking skin. 6
1 Yezhou Sheng et al., Induction of Apoptosis and Inhibition of Proliferation in Human Tumor Cells Treated with Extracts of Uncaria Tomentosa (Anticancer research 1998).
2 Yezhou Sheng et al., Induction of Apoptosis and Inhibition of Proliferation in Human Tumor Cells Treated with Extracts of Uncaria Tomentosa (Anticancer research 1998).
3 Yezhou Sheng et al., Enhanced DNA repair, immune function and reduced toxicity of C-MED-100™, a novel aqueous extract from Uncaria tomentosa (Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2000).
4 O’Neil, W. Guthrie. "Preservation of neural sensitivity after noise-induced suppression of sensory function." Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 27, no. 1 (2016): 49-61.
5 2018. Increasing telomere length in a cell. US Patent 10,098,922, filed November 20, 2017, and issued October 16, 2018.
6 Human Skin Cell Explants exposed to uv radiation: the benefits of using ac-11 in an oral model (Laboratoire BIO-EC 2008).